Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Faded Genes

For better or for worse, there comes a time in our lives when we accept the nose we got from grandma or the feet we got from Aunt Ruth. In fact, we might even be thrilled we received dad's great skin or mom's fast metabolism. Genes. Some genes we do not expect will put us face to face with some life changing decisions and not just for ourselves, but for anyone who shares our genes.
Last week I found out I carry the breast cancer/ovarian cancer gene. I guess I wasn't surprised. The good news is I will not need radiation after my four more rounds of chemo. The bad news is I must now have a bilateral mastectomy, and while I'm at it, it looks like I will be saying goodbye to my ovaries as well. But God gave me one perfect blessing with these ovaries. And I don't need them anymore. Breasts can be rebuilt and I would prefer ones that do not come with cancer, so God is taking care of that.
In the grand scheme of things, everything we have gotten really comes from God. He's just using me to further this story, this story that started off seemingly uneventful, but has now taken a few turns along the way. He is strengthening me, making me humble, making me grateful for what I do have.


  1. Oh Toni....I'm speechless. Giving you all the strength I ever had, all the hope and all the faith and you have inspired me with your generosity....your spirit is so full, giving and beautiful...even more than your gorgeous face... I .guess what God must take away from you, he made up for by giving you an extra special heart and soul!!! Your words inspire, your courage is the best teacher and the kindness in your eyes was always a special draw! You are a blessing to me. xo

  2. You write so beautiful, that's because it is from your heart. Please keep the strength and thank you for sharing with us. I am thinking of you and praying all the time Toni!!!! Kristie

  3. Toni, I think of you every day. My mom had a single mastectomy and a prophylactic ofarectomy (sp?) more than 30 years ago. Thank God she did, b/c she is healthy and active today. I'm confident Ethan will be saying the same thing about you 30 years from now - and that's really what it's all about, right? You are an inspiration to everyone you are toucing with your experience and your life!! - Gina

  4. Love and miss you, friend. You are very brave. Mom and I were just talking about you this morning... were your ears ringing? Be well and call me anytime!

  5. I love you, ladies!
