Monday, May 3, 2010

Shaker pride!

People have asked me on various occasions why I want to continue to work at Shaker when I could get a job so much closer to home. I have had the same answer every time: It IS home to me. This experience has solidified my reasons for always coming back to Shaker Junior High even after having left and moved 60 miles away four years ago. It is at Shaker where I met one of the best friends I will ever have, someone who has been there with me through some memorable life experiences for nine years and who was sitting in the hallway waiting for me when I came back to work the day I was diagnosed. It is at Shaker where I met my two beautiful girlfriends with whom I shared the concern of the lump I found in February. They wasted no time telling me to get my butt down to the office and call my doctor immediately. It is with their reaction that I saved my body months of continued tumor growth. It is at Shaker where I have encountered tremendous support, honest to goodness love and genuine concern from people who have known for weeks about this fight, who are constantly checking on me and letting me know they care. It is at Shaker where I shared my news to the remaining faculty today. It was time. Changes are coming. I do not want people to look at me in shock when they see me in the copyroom with no hair. I do not want conversations to stop when I walk into a room with the obvious scramble for a good cover-up conversation. And I do not want people to treat me like I have cancer. I am the same person I was pre-diagnosis: generally happy, positive, sarcastic, silly, and overly concerned about fashion, as shallow as that may sound. This will not change when chemo sets in and my hair checks out. I am not fragile. I am strong and ready to fight this wearing a cute outfit, sexy shoes and a great pair of earrings!
Shaker is my home away from home. I never even looked for a job elsewhere. And now I know why. Again, thank you, God. Your plan is more clear with every step.

1 comment:

  1. Toni, if you never ever teach another ElA class again...your teaching skills will not be in vain. You have taught us all, in this very short time, lessons in life that we will hold forever. You were born to be the great teacher you are and Shaker is lucky to have you. My children were lucky to learn from you and I am lucky to work with you and know you. This is your fight, and you will hold the crown when you have defeated this monster..but remember when you feel tired, sad, scared... we are fighting along side you each and every day.
