Thursday, April 15, 2010

Stage 1, Baby!!

Who would have thought one could get excited about cancer? Today I found out I am Stage 1; therefore, I must unleash the excitement! Yes, I am aware that treatment is no cake-walk, but I am prepared. My plan will be to undergo radiation for what will most likely be five days a week for about six weeks. Chemo has yet to be determined, but there is a chance I may not have to go that route. I will cross that bridge if and when I get to it. Until then (and even then) I actually feel blessed and elated!


  1. Toni, I have been praying for you. You are truly and insperation to all. Keep the faith!!!! I am happy for you today.

  2. Yeah! Great news - SO glad to hear!

  3. This is from Valerie...."the radiation isn't bad, it doesn't hurt you, nothing really to be afraid of. You just have to lay really still for a little while when they do it. I think you will do really good".
    That is good news Toni....and I agree with my little will do great. Hugs to you!

  4. Marla, that is just precious! She is one remarkable young lady! Please give her a hug from me and tell her she made me feel a whole lot better :)
